Encapsulated UV Filters

Encapsulated UV Filters: A Revolution in Sun Protection

Encapsulated UV filters

As we become increasingly aware of the harmful effects of UV radiation on our skin, the demand for effective sun protection products continues to grow. UV filters have long been a cornerstone of sunscreens, serving as a shield against the sun's damaging rays. In recent years, encapsulated UV filters have emerged as a revolutionary technology, promising enhanced sun protection and improved user experience. In this article, we will explore the world of encapsulated UV filters, their benefits, applications, and the future of sun protection.

 Understanding UV Radiation

Before delving into encapsulated UV filters, it is essential to understand the nature of UV radiation and its impact on our skin. UV radiation is a part of the electromagnetic spectrum emitted by the sun, consisting of UVA and UVB rays. While UVA rays are responsible for premature aging and can penetrate deep into the skin, UVB rays cause sunburn and play a significant role in the development of skin cancer. Therefore, effective protection against both UVA and UVB rays is crucial for maintaining healthy skin.

 The Role of UV Filters

UV filters are chemical compounds that absorb, reflect, or scatter UV radiation, preventing it from penetrating the skin. They are the active ingredients in sunscreens and are categorized into two main types: organic (chemical) and inorganic (physical) filters.

  1. Organic UV Filters: These filters absorb UV radiation and convert it into harmless heat. Common organic UV filters include avobenzone, octocrylene, octinoxate etc. They are known for their lightweight and non-greasy textures.
  1. Inorganic UV Filters: Also known as mineral filters, these ingredients, such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, sit on the skin's surface and act as a physical barrier, reflecting UV radiation away from the skin. Inorganic filters are often preferred for their broad-spectrum protection and suitability for sensitive skin.

 While both organic and inorganic UV filters have been used successfully in sunscreens for decades, encapsulated UV filters are poised to revolutionize the sun protection industry.


The Power of Encapsulation

Process of Encapsulation

Encapsulation is a process by which UV filters are enclosed within tiny, protective capsules. These capsules can be made from various materials, such as polymers, lipids, or silica gels. Encapsulation offers several advantages that address some of the limitations associated with traditional UV filters:

Enhanced Stability: Encapsulation protects UV filters from degradation due to exposure to air, heat, and light. This ensures that the sunscreen's UV protection remains effective over time.

Normal sunscreens need to be applied every 2 hours because the standard UV filters start degradation when exposed to UV light. UV light has different wavelengths at different times of the day. In the early morning, i.e. 5 – 7 am in the morning overall UV ray spectrum is much less harmful. From 7 to 10 am UVB rays are more active than UVA Rays that’s why we feel the temperature starts rising during this period of the day. From 10 am to 12 pm, the UVA level starts rising from 20 percent to 40 percent. From 12 pm to 3 pm UVA and UVB levels both are at their peak. Depending upon the different regions like near the sea or near the equator there will be different concentrations of UVA and UVB in the atmosphere but they will be at their peak from 12 pm to 3 pm. So it is very difficult to stick to one sunscreen across the world.  


To formulate SPF 50, different companies use different combinations of filters to achieve the SPF 50 levels but none of them specified the exact concentration of the filters. This is important for the companies to protect themselves from the competition but this leads to confusion among the users as they are only able to guess that if the companies have mentioned SPF 50 then all the brands of the SPF 50 will be the same. The same applies to PA ratings, nowadays majority of brands are coming with PA+++ ratings.

Many users are still unaware that the SPF rating is used for UVB protection and the PA rating is for UVA protection. Moreover, the sunscreen to be in the right balance UVA: UVB protection must be in the 1:3.

  General conception of the protection from sunscreen


Now many companies have started producing SPF 70 and SPF 100 too.

Does this really mean that you will be fully protected after application of the sunscreen?

Most sunscreens are formulated only by looking at the UV Spectrum which is why even after applying the sunscreen for years we do not see the difference in our face looks. Even people are unaware that modern-day problems like pollution from petrochemicals, street foods, dust and dirt particles, chemical fumes, microorganisms from wastes and garbage piles, microorganisms from kitchen waste, industrial chemicals, air emitted from air conditioners, etc. are also impacting our face.

When all these interact with your sunscreen, whether you have applied organic or inorganic sunscreen, UV filter degradation happens much faster. To overcome this companies start promoting higher SPF products but when you start applying higher SPF sunscreens on your face you might not feel very comfortable during application and after applying they might irritate your face. The Biggest challenge is that these filters can interact with your Absorption, Distribution, and Metabolism profile and this will impact the results of the medications or any other treatment you are already taking or planning.

Controlled Release: Encapsulated UV filters can be engineered to release gradually upon application, providing prolonged sun protection without the need for frequent reapplication.

This is the right solution to the above-mentioned problems with existing sunscreen brands.  We have used the encapsulated filters in our sunscreen which are not impacted by air, light, and heat. So, they solve all the problems like increasing the SPF, formulating different sunscreens for different regions, maintaining the balance between UVA and UVB according to different regions, the impact of petrochemicals, industrial chemicals, microorganisms, dirt and dust, problems associated with reapplication of the sunscreen every 2 hours with traditional sunscreens, Selection of the organic or inorganic filters of selection of SPF 20,30, 50 or even more.

Encapsulated filters form a layer of over your face and UV filters are entrapped in this layer. This layer protects from the harmful effects of petrochemicals, industrial chemicals, microorganisms, dirt and dust, on the outer side of your skin. UV filters protect your face from UV rays, and these filters will reduce the harmful effects of the rays. In standard sunscreens, UV filters have to fight the petrochemicals, and all the above-mentioned chemicals even before UV protection. That’s why there is much faster degradation of the UV Filters in the standard sunscreen.

Encapsulated UV filters work more than 6 hours on a single application. And if You have moderate sun exposure, that you work on closed premises, then even a single application will be sufficient for your skin.

Reduced Skin Penetration: Some UV filters, especially organic ones, have raised concerns about their potential to be absorbed into the skin and possibly disrupt endocrine function. Encapsulation can mitigate this concern by reducing skin penetration.

Encapsulated filters penetrate less than 20 percent as compared to standard sunscreens. Even after penetration, they are not harmful because the inner layer of the encapsulation do not allow them to react with your bloodstream and they are excreted in unchanged form.

Improved Aesthetics: Encapsulated UV filters can improve the texture and feel of sunscreen formulations. They reduce the chalky or greasy appearance associated with inorganic filters and enhance the overall user experience.

Encapsulated filters will have better results than inorganic filters because when we increase the concentration of the inorganic filters in the sunscreen they cause irritation on your face and non-encapsulated inorganic filters when reacting with the industrial chemicals and microorganisms can disturb your ADME profile (absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion profile) which can interact with existing medications or upcoming treatments too.

 The Future of Sun Protection

Encapsulated UV filters represent a significant breakthrough in sun protection technology. Encapsulated UV filters offer enhanced efficacy, better aesthetics, and improved safety. As consumers become more informed about the importance of UV protection, encapsulated UV filters offer a promising path toward healthier and more radiant skin.

Kindly Try Our Kreloz Broadspectrum Sunscreen with encapsulated filters which is designed to solve the problems associated with the existing sunscreens along with the addition of the Blue light filter.
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